She has reached a stage of physical perfection that almost every individual muscle is fully defined. Her personal trainer, Anderson, had the guts to say "Madonna will never look her age," she insists. "She doesn't even look half her age – she looks 19." Well, I say Madonna looks like one of the exhibits by Dr van Hagen's body (minus the testicles and penis plus a slightly bigger but rapidly shrinking set of breasts). Would you call that sexy/hot? Personally, its a loud bluidy NO.
Now, lets compare the following pictures:

Do you find these skinny girls hot? Or would you think annorexic guys look hot?? Some people do, but I don't. To me, dating skinny girls are like dating the lalangs (nothing much to grab onto other than their heads) and dating skinny boys are pointless waste of time because they are wimps.

These are just a few examples- so what affects our perception of beauty? Age? Personality? Gender? Size? Race? Just to highlight how beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, take a look at the following videos from the Maury Show called "Opposites Attract". Enjoy!
Size and Age?
Hot versus Not?
So, in summary, I would say, beauty has no boundaries in the eye of the beholder. So I can say I'm a dysfunctional idiot. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
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