Chat Box- For discussions/debates only


22 December 2009 @ 18:30 hours

Dear readers,

Sorry for the retarded rate of blogging. WK and DM are and will be riduculously busy until further notice. We will try to post once in a while, so stay tuned.

DM will try to monitor/manage the chatroll whenever possible. Meanwhile, Ivan and Evone have been given administrative rights to ban unsavory individuals from the chatroll.

Chatbox rules have been shortened.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Teenage Crisis Part 1

I extracted this from chatbox at 9.33am,
Aalteam are losers . Wow ,so long never come back . Okay then Ahlians their blogs you not happy don't see laah ,you crtzize it here too what . So ? (Details 10:18 pm Jul 8, 2009)
Aalteam are losers . So what if ahlians have lost it ,you know there't this thing call condoms ,noob as s . still say very clever . (Details 10:19 pm Jul 8, 2009)
Aalteam are losers . If you're really clever ,you would have shut down this blog and save yourselves from all this right ,stupid . (Details 10:20 pm Jul 8, 2009)
Maddie condoms ain't 100% safe, need pill too. (Details 10:27 pm Jul 8, 2009)
This Blog sucks ~ All sucks . Aalteam cum my lj . oral sexual lai lai . (Details 11:01 pm Jul 8, 2009 )
Zee Anti Twit to This Blog sucks ~ You better go for a checkup to ensure that you didn't acquire any STDs. (Details 11:17 pm Jul 8, 2009)

As you can see, there are two distinct camps here, the Pro-Ahlians (PAL) and the Anti-Ahlians (AAL). For the purpose of writing this essay, I have associated all immature adolescents as PALs due to the prevailing social trend of Ah Lians/Bengs versus the intellectual elite. In reality, I would point out that there are Ah Lians/Bengs within the population of intellectual elite. So please take the statements and arguments with a barrel of salt due to their general nature.

I’ve been following this blog for long time because I find the general intelligence of the PAL group somewhat lacking along with their EQ and maturity levels. As you can see from this conversation:
“Aalteam are losers” can barely type in legible English with bad grammar, sentence structure and spelling. To top it off, he/she has a very warped cognitive construction of the world around him/her. For example, “Aalteam are losers” once said something along the lines of “I know my grammar is not good, why do you guys keep showing off”. I was quite taken aback when I saw that statement; must people lower their standard of English to suit you? People aren’t showing off, they were correcting your English, instead of learning from it, he/she is hitting back with the accusation that we are showing off??? It somehow brings into mind the concept of “Elite Envy”- the poor and uneducated in history have always detested the rich whom they saw as their oppressors who were nothing but show-offs and wastrels. I wouldn’t say that their sentiments are entirely wrong because people who come from old money tend to be wastrels and the nouveau riche do tend to be show-offs. But that’s not the point, have the PALs reached the point of learned helplessness? Are their offensive, often irrational and shallow behavior a by-product of a defense strategy to protect their vulnerable egos and fragile pride?

“This blog sucks” is one heck of disturbed person in my opinion. About two days back, he signed is as “Kelvin <3”, his message was the same- “All sucks . Aalteam cum my lj . oral sexual lai lai .” As the conversation progresses, he kept repeating the demands for oral sex. I know the teenage years are fraught with hormonal overdose and what not, but this kid is just plain disturbing. He is SO desperate that he has to ask for blow jobs online. If that isn’t bad, he kept demanding for other people’s MSN or hp number so that the “issue” can be discussed properly. If he had the intellectual capacity that bordered the authors of AALT2, I might have considered giving him my email. However, he proved himself to be nothing more than a deranged sex addict with a brain the size of his fingernail. I told him I would scold anyone who swears over the roof and doesn’t behave like a gentleman/lady, only to get a retort that I speak like a gay/lesbian. That really made me raise an eyebrow, the last time I checked, gays and lesbians were more human than him because they weren’t deranged sex addicts.

If that wasn’t enough, he kept challenging me “are you scared” just because I took some time to reply him… I was talking to WK and Mavis at that time, so my response rate was relatively retarded. Does his ego need an admission that everyone was in fear of his sexual depravity and small brain?

Based on the conversations with people from the PAL camp, I can identify a general trend- they are
1.Aggressive- challenging you for meet ups/confrontations.

2.Shallow- they like to say “who gives you a right to criticize Ah Lians”. Well, everyone can criticize anyone who doesn’t study well, can’t get a good job or can’t even speak in a civilized manner without swearing or insulting each other’s parents/sexual anatomy.

3.Vanity- aal#1 of made comments about how skinny jeans made people’s feet look big in her opinion. That started an avalanche of comments from people screeching along the lines of “my mother wears skinnies too! Does that make her an Ah Lian? Use your brain la”.

4.The world exists in absolutes- The “skinny jeans outrage” was also extended to comments that Ah Lians have rebonded hair, the point was issued from the standpoint that most Ah Lians have rebonded hair. Typical Ah Lians will start harping on “what’s wrong with having rebonded hair”, taking the statement point blank. Rebonded hair is not the pure dominion of Ah Lians, some people do have messy hair and rebonding is a method of taming it.

5.Immature- I’ve lost count of the number of teenage pregnancy case studies that I’ve been reading. It seems the general thought shared my teenage mum was that their boyfriends really loved and cared for them. Sadly, most of their boyfriends were pretty quick at scrambling away at the first time of trouble. I’ve seen boyfriends deny being the cause of pregnancy. That’s plain irresponsible. To me, if your boyfriend were to really love and care for you, he would have made attempts to protect you from pregnancy until you are psychologically, emotionally, and financially ready to bring up a child in a healthy and stable environment.

6.Perception of infallibility- thanks to sex education in Singapore, I will NEVER believe it when any pregnant teenager insists that she and her boyfriend have never heard of contraceptives. Even so, why is there such a soaring rate of teenage pregnancies? It has to do with their perception of infallibility; they think the chances of getting pregnant are quite low. If they did a better job at studying, they might realize how badly stacked the odds are against that perception.

7.Myopic- I have met a PAL commenter who once said “What’s wrong with not wanting to study? Get good jobs for what?”. All I could say to that person was that he/she has really let down his/her parents and society. If you think being a useful person with a good job in society isn’t worthy of consideration, well you sure are disappointing… I believe in the Chinese idiom 先苦后甜 (suffer first, enjoy later).

8.Low Self-Esteem- I think cam-whoring is a manifestation of low self-esteem because they need constant reassurances that they look good.

9.Inferiority Complex- I have no idea why, but Ah Lians like to think that everyone is jealous of their good looks. You'll see this statement issued liberally whenever criticism regarding their dress sense and make up is generated. This superiority complex stems from underlying inferiority complex. In psychology, we call that reaction formation- converting unconscious wishes or impulses that are perceived to be dangerous into their opposites; behavior that is completely the opposite of what one really wants or feels; taking the opposite belief because the true belief causes anxiety.

For some teenagers, the adolescent period is fraught with difficulty, some pass through it with little difficulty. I hypothesize that it has to do with one’s mental age aka psychological maturity. Most developmental psychologists agree that the ages between 13 and 15 are the “rough patch” where most teenagers end up cranky one way or another. I was nearly kicked out of school thanks to poor grades when I was 14, that sobered me up plenty. Unfortunately, many teenagers sober up only when they enter the working world and realize that it is difficult to earn money. Even so, many of them still do not make a conscious effort to save up for their retirement. From talks I had with teenagers, they think CPF is enough for retirement. I won’t say that teenagers are wholly incapable of saving because many of them save hard for their immediate wants, such as a new Apple iPhone 3G, new branded sunglasses, Coach handbags and what not… Personally, I wouldn’t label these expenditures as prudent or necessary.

However, they are at the age where they are most susceptible to peer pressure, they do stupid things to preserve friendships. Thankfully I learnt that friends are temporary figures in my life when I was in primary school thanks to a traumatizing incident. Needless to say, I still baffle many of my friends as to why I never allow myself and them to form close emotional attachments or mutual trust.

Developmental Psychologist Erik Erikson created the model of Psycho-socio Development. He proposes the adolescent period as a period of “Identity formation vs role confusion”. To summarize it, he proposes that during this period people either form and identity for themselves or suffer from identity confusion- meaning they have a lot of self doubts as to what they are to themselves, to others and what they want to do. I think many of PALs are mindless followers when it comes to peer pressure due to them being fixated at the stage of identity confusion. Perhaps in time, they might overcome this stage and mature emotionally and mentally.

* These comments are formed using studies I’ve made regarding teenage pregnancies and psychology which I have adapted to suit the local context.
** There is no established notion that ALL the people from the PAL camp are Ah Lians/Bengs.