Chat Box- For discussions/debates only


22 December 2009 @ 18:30 hours

Dear readers,

Sorry for the retarded rate of blogging. WK and DM are and will be riduculously busy until further notice. We will try to post once in a while, so stay tuned.

DM will try to monitor/manage the chatroll whenever possible. Meanwhile, Ivan and Evone have been given administrative rights to ban unsavory individuals from the chatroll.

Chatbox rules have been shortened.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"What Is" Series- What is Beauty?

There have been quite a number of posts about the whole notion of beauty in our society. I thought it’ll be my turn to explore the idea of beauty, and what it means for life in the modern world.

Most of the issues that revolve around the concept of beauty have to do with cosmetic surgery. Double eyelids, a sharper nose, a sharper chin, down to the chest, then the waist, then the hips, then the thighs… you get the idea.

So, why would people want to go to such lengths to change themselves… anatomically, if I can say that? There are two reasons in my opinion, one that is sociological, and one that is practical.

Society sets ideals on gender in many ways. Females are supposed to be, well, feminine. In addition to behaviourial expectations, they are also given “standards” for appearance in figure, what sociologist Naomi Wolf calls the “Beauty Myth”.

Basically, the beauty myth creates the situation that women judge themselves, and are judged by others, by their appearance. Being better looking means more opportunities in life.

That brings me to the second reason I’m going to talk about, the practical reason. Society is increasingly demanding in terms of appearance. Having looks means more job opportunities in the service industry, more opportunities to attend social or corporate events, and all these translates into better prospects.

Given modern society’s obsession with speed and convenience, cosmetic surgery is seen as the fastest solution that can produce the quickest results.

Well, compare running 10km everyday to a session at the slimming centre once a week. Which is better?

Of course, there are consequences to this obsession of the superficial. In the pursuit of beauty, people don’t realize that a double standard is at work in our society. Women are forced to make themselves attractive, but men do not feel the same pressure to do so. Of course, there are men who take great lengths to enhance their “beauty”, but unlike females, there is no social impetus for men to do so.

Hence the “Beauty and the Beast” stories in our society today.

The second consequence is that of our society’s value towards beauty. There is such a thing as “inner beauty”, a good character, personal ability, intelligence, etc, and in a society that over-emphasises physical appearance, is there still value in these qualities?

Just imagine going out, and seeing a really pretty girl. But to your horror, when she speaks, she spews out a whole range of vulgarities. Is that still pretty, I ask everyone?

Mencius, the Chinese philosopher, argued that beauty is a combination of inner and outer beauty. they complement each other.

Finally, to end off, Zhuge Liang, the genius strategist and Prime Minister of the State of Shu during the Three Kingdoms Period, had a very average-looking (some say ugly, but there is no conclusive evidence), but brilliant wife.